Learn the Signs

Mental illness comes in all shapes and sizes. This week’s theme is Educate, and your task today is to read up on common signs that something’s not right, for both yourself or someone you love. While no two people experience the same symptoms of a mental illness, some common signs include: Excessive worrying, fear, or […]
Catch Up On ZZZZ

This week’s theme is Heal, so you have our permission to catnap this afternoon. One of the most closely associated factors with mental health struggles is lack of sleep, and certain mental illnesses can make it hard to get enough shuteye. Tonight, try to hit the hay a little early. Getting enough sleep helps your […]
Pump Up the Jams

Today, we’re keeping this week’s theme of Celebrate going. Whether you’re dancing it out or having a cathartic cry to that song that gets you in your feels, listening to music can help process tough emotions and regulate the body’s response to stress and depression. So roll down the windows and sing. Make a playlist […]